DO NOT USE for other purposes other than those defined in the user manual

DO NOT USE if you are pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant or breastfeeding.

DO NOT USE this device if you suffer from any photosensitive disorder, sensitivity to light – using this device i can cause adverse skin reactions.

DO NOT USE this device if you are taking any medication that is known to cause photosensitivity.

DO NOT USE if you suffer from any diseases that involve the retina of the eye, (such as diabetes)

DO NOT USE if you suffer from systemic Lupus Erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or albinism as usage may cause an adverse skin reaction

DO NOT USE if you suffer from light induced headaches and or Migraines

DO NOT USE this device if you are taking any medication that is known to cause photosensitivity.

CAUTION: If you are taking Isotretinoin (Anti-Acne), also known as Accutane in the last 5 days there is a small chance of a light reaction.

CAUTION: Must wait five days after Botox or cosmetic fillers before commencing treatment.


Temporary photosensitivity is a known side effect of many medications including many antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs and other types of oral tablets such as St John’s Wort. We would advise that if you are on any sort of medication or had any recent surgery you contact your Doctor before commencing any sort of light therapy